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China products sourcing

For sourcing products from overseas, you have to leave the work to the right hands. Fantek has built the capability and expertise in the field through years of experience, strong engineering background, depth understanding in the industry, and network development. For casting components sourcing, we can find you right manufacturer, with right material and following right procedures, to assure the components supplied are exactly what you needed. We can supply the components all the way to your inventory with the drawings you supplied. In this case, Fantek could act as either your purchase agent or just on behalf of your company to work with the China manufacturers.

Bearing Housings to USA
Suctiong Roll to USA
Yankee Dryer to TUP, Thailand
Casting to Walmsleys, UK
13.5m 3-Roll Bending Machine to Vinashin, Vietnam
Accommodation Work Materials to Vinashin, Vietnam




China Sourcing - Castings - Used Pulp/Paper Machine & Printer - Automation Solution

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